Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Creating Communication Templates

You use the Communication Templates application to create and manage generic
templates to use when generating e-mail messages.
When you create a communication template, you can specify the following
􀁔 The business object that the template can be used for.
􀁔 The applications where the template can be used.
􀁔 The address that the e-mail should be sent from.
􀁔 The address that replies should be sent to.
􀁔 The subject line of the message.
􀁔 The body of the message.
􀁔 One or more recipients of the message. You can send messages to roles,
persons, person groups, and e-mail addresses.
􀁔 Whether each recipient should receive the message (To), a carbon copy of the
message (CC), or a blind carbon copy of the message (BCC).
􀁔 Documents to include as attachments when the message is generated.
The Communication Templates application lets you use substitution variables
when creating the subject line and body of your message. When an e-mail is
generated using that template, it replaces the substitution

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the info! was very much needed for a case study!
    Resume Template
