Sunday, March 15, 2009

Escalation Commlog

ticketid in (select ticketid from ticket where status<> 'CLOSED' and commlogentry is null and lastcommdate in(select lastcommdate from ticket where lastcommdate<(select max(createdate) from commlog where ownerid in (select ticketuid from ticket)))

ticketid in (select ticketid from ticket where status<> 'CLOSED' and lastcommdate in(select lastcommdate from ticket where lastcommdate AND TIMESTAM<(select max(createdate and TIMESTAMP) from commlog where ownerid in (select ticketuid from ticket))) Escalation points point 1 condition : class= 'SR' point 2: condition: clasee = 'INCIDENT' point 3 condition: class= 'PROBLEM'

update ticket set lastcommdate=sysdate where ticketid in( select ticketid from ticket
where lastcommdate<(select(max(crdate)) from comlog
where ownerid in (select ticketuid from ticket)))


select crdate, ownerid from comlog where crdate in (select max(crdate) from comlog group by own

1 comment:

  1. Hi Suri,

    Thanks for all the helpful tutorials, exactly what i am searching for . I have a question, which may look out of this context.

    In my workflow i would like to route a Service request to different assignee/groups based on the classifications. I have 4 levels of classifications (300+ in total), and i would like to map the service requests among 5 groups.

    What would the better approach i can implement??
